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Mixed Flats – Regional Gulf Coast Blend
Extensive green roof plant mix selected by Ed Snodgrass, specifically to perform well in the Gulf Coast region (US).
Mixed Flats – Semi-Shade Biodiversity Blend
Extensive green roof plant mix designed specifically to add biodiversity and seasonal interest to roofs that only get either morning or afternoon sun.
Mixed Flats – Semi-Shade Green Roof Mix
Extensive green roof plant mix designed specifically for roofs that only get either morning or afternoon sun.
Mixed Flats – Southeast Blend
Extensive green roof plant mix selected by Ed Snodgrass, specifically to perform well in the Southeast region (US). Tolerates some shade.
Monarda fistulosa
North American Native with purple-pink flowers and fragrant foliage. It is a magnet for pollinators.
Muscari armeniacum
Grape Hyacinth should be planted in mass and allowed to naturalize the area, it goes summer dormant so mix in other low growing foliage species. Sold as bare root Bulbs. SHIPPED FROM OCTOBER THROUGH MAY.
Opuntia compressa syn. O. humifusa
A US native cactus that stands out on a green roof. A great way to add a sculptural element to an extensive roof.
Opuntia phaeacantha
This North American Native cactus is a wonderful structural addition to any roof.
Origanum vulgare
Roof top herbs, this plant originates from dry areas and covers the ground making it a perfect roof plant. Additionally it's attractive to pollinators and humans!
Penstemon barbatus ssp. coccineus
A major attractant for hummingbirds, with its bright scarlet-red tubular flowers, held high above the foliage on tall stems. North American Native.
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