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Bigelowia nuttallii
Showy yellow flowers are borne high above tuft-like foliage. A very drought tolerant North American Native, with a lasting bloom. Tolerates some shade.
Bouteloua curtipendula
Side Oats, the flower is one sided contains orange anthers that add motion.
Bouteloua gracilis
Lovely fine textured grass. Seed heads/flowers are held on one side of the stem and resemble eyebrows. Self-seeding accent plant. North American Native.
Campanula rotundifolia
A North American Native commonly used on European green roofs. Needs some shade and water.
Carex humilis
From the Caucasus mountains along with many other species suitable for green roofs, dwarf sedge grows in dense spreading clumps, is extremely drought tolerant and evergreen.
Custom Mixed Flat
Perfect for the smaller scale projects to receive a variety of the species you want. If you have a mix in mind that we don’t offer we can mix them at shipment for a premium price just contact us for availability (410)452-5880. If it is an item we do not have we can source it or grow it for you as a contract grow.
Cylindropuntia imbricata
This hardy North American cactus can be used to add height and structure to a green roof.
Delosperma cooperi
Large magenta flowers top a thick mat of green succulent foliage. A reliable and hardy species that grows rapidly and covers well. One of the most popular Delosperma in the trade.
Dianthus carthusianorum
Bright magenta blooms on tall blue-green stems. Narrow grass-like green-blue foliage is clump forming.
Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Bikovo’
This is not your typical Geranium. Green foliage turns red in fall before dormancy. Flowers are pink.
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