Plant Catalog - s
Sedum kamtschaticum
Superior green roof plant. A carpet of yellow flowers. In trials at Michigan State University, this plant survived over 80 days without water. Looks a bit like Pachysandra from a distance.
Sedum middendorffianum var. diffusum
Very durable ground cover, with strong green foliage. Blooms yellow in early summer. Russet winter foliage.
Sedum montanum ssp. orientale
Year-round blue-green to blue-gray needle-like foliage. Nearly identical looking to Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce', but a more heat tolerant variety.
Sedum reflexum ‘Blue Spruce’
Great blue-green color on conifer-like foliage with striking yellow blooms.
Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’
Also known as Sedum reflexum 'Angelina'. Brilliant chartreuse to golden yellow foliage in summer. Turns coral red to orange in winter. Needle-like foliage. Great for adding contrast!
Sedum selskianum
Often mislabeled in the trade. Mounds of green foliage and yellow flowers in midsummer. Great heat, cold, and drought tolerance. Deciduous.
Sedum sexangulare
A green roof staple - vigorous, mat-forming Sedum, with tiny green foliage and small yellow flowers. Thrives in both sun and shade.
Sedum sichotense
Also known as Sedum middendorffianum var. sichotense. Longer green leaves turn a nice crimson in fall and winter. Good plant for seasonal color.
Sedum sieboldii
Also known as Hylotelephium Sieboldii. Mounding, blue-green accent plant with bright pink flowers in autumn. Leaves are edged in pink.
Sedum spurium ‘Album Superbum’
Late season, white-flowering spurium variety. Sets green rosettes in winter.
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